How do I get access?
You can register on-line at the NEW url: www.salitonline.com. New users will click on the box called “Register”. Next, you will be asked to enter basic contact information and select if you are a Retailer or Wholesaler. Hit submit. If you need assistance, contact Tracy Pepin at tpepin@shamrockcompanies.net or 214.553.9785 ext. 1119.
Who do I contact if I cannot log-on?
Contact Tracy Pepin at tpepin@shamrockcompanies.net or 214.221.0055. Or you may contact Therese Torres at ttorres@signetarmorlite.com.
What internet browser(s) are compatible with the site?
Internet Explorer Version 7 (and higher) are the ideal browsers that are supported at this time. You can also run SA Lit Online on Google Chrome but IE is the better option.
How do I order literature on the site?
Log-on to the new interface a www.salitonline.com. First time users will need an Access Code to register. Once registered, search for the item you wish to order. You can search by type of item in the Navigation Bar at the top of the home page. Items are broken down into categories. You can also do a key word search with the literature code, description, keyword or brand name. If you cannot find an item, email Therese Torres at ttorres@signetarmorlite.com.
Can I still order literature through marketingliterature@signetarmorlite.com or by calling Signet Armorlite directly?
Yes, although, all marketing collateral will reside in a warehouse connected to this ordering portal; therefore it is recommended that you order through this site to expedite your orders. The added benefits of receiving shipping confirmation, tracking information and visibility of order history makes this a more efficient and convenient process for you. If you are unable to place orders on The site, please contact Tracy Pepin at (tpepin@shamrockcompanies.net or 214.221.0055). Or you may contact Therese Torres (ttorres@signetarmorlite.com). Signet Armorlite staff is still available to order marketing collateral but you won’t have access to the additional tracking information.
Can I place orders by telephone?
If you are unable to order via the site, you can place an order calling Signet Armorlite staff at 800-759-0075. Orders placed by phone will be processed through the site by SA staff within 48 hours.
Does the new system collect and fulfill backorders?
Yes. When you place a backordered item in your cart, you will be notified the item is out of stock. You can submit the order with the backordered item included. The backordered product will ship once it’s replenished. Replenishment eta’s and/or backorder status reports will be communicated to the site user universe.
How are orders shipped?
Orders through the site are shipped UPS Ground. You will receive an order confirmation email with tracking information once it has shipped.
How do I check the status of my order?
You can view the status of your order by clicking "My Orders" under the search field at the top right hand side of the home page. You can also contact Customer Service at 214.221.0055 or email Tracy at tpepin@shamrockcompanies.net. You will be provided with the anticipated delivery date, tracking numbers and carrier information.
How do I place orders on the site for a scheduled event?
In order to guarantee that your order is received within a certain window for an event, please plan on placing your order 7-10 days beforehand. If expedited service is required (ex. 2 or 3 day service), add a note in the special instructions box. Requests for expedited service require an additional 24 hour delay as approval must be received from Signet Armorlite staff before the order is processed. You may request 1-2 day expedited service bypassing approvals by providing a UPS shipping account to cover the additional costs.
Why were my order quantities received less than what I ordered?
The owner of an item may have declined your request to exceed the orderable limit. The max order limit will be sent.
What factors could delay a standard order from being fulfilled within 2 business days?
1) Delayed owner approval(s)
2) High order levels within the warehouse (250+ orders a day)
3) Inclement weather conditions
4) Non-site orders (phone, fax or email)
Why does the site have differing order limits?
Order limits are placed on items to minimize costs and maximize efficiencies within the literature fulfillment operation and Marketing. Order limits are set based on order frequency, quantity per bundle/package/box, average order quantity, how the item is used and the cost of the item. The Signet Armorlite staff is responsible for setting those order.
How can exceptions be made for orders exceeding the order quantity limit (example: you want to order 50 decals and the system will only let you order 25)?
You can now order over the max limit by clicking on the greater than sign (>) next to the last order quantity. A box will appear to add the quantity you want to order. Doing this will send an email to the owner of the item for approval. Approvers (Marketing Team Leads) must reply within 24 hours.
Can I see my order history in the site?
Yes, you can see your order history in the site by clicking on “My Orders” under the search field at the top right hand side of the home page.
How quickly will standard orders be shipped for delivery?
All standard orders received by 1 pm CST will be shipped within two business days. If items on your order require owner approvals, this may delay processing. Allow 7-10 days. Orders placed through the site will take priority over all other orders (phone, fax, email).
Will I receive a shipping confirmation?
Yes. You will receive an email notification confirming your order within 24 hours. You will also receive a shipping confirmation email once the order has shipped.
What is standard shipping?
Standard is ground (5+ days) and will not require a shipping account number to process. Anything other than ground (2 day, 3 day or overnight), WILL require a UPS shipping account number to process, or approval from Signet Armorlite staff. If expedited service is required (ex. 2 or 3 day service), add a note in the special instructions box. Requests for expedited service require an additional 24 hour delay as approval must be received from Signet Armorlite staff before the order is processed. You may request 1-2 day expedited service bypassing approvals by providing a UPS shipping account to cover the additional costs.
Electronic Files
Can I download PDFs, thumbnails or images of my items on the site?
Yes, Creative Services supplies pdfs and thumbnails of printed and digital items to the site.
When an item is updated, will it be given a new literature code?
No. Revised collateral will keep the same literature code but a revision date will be printed and pdfs and images on the site will be updated.
How do I access the reports?
Reports are available to Marketing 24/7 on the new system. Click on “Reports” in the far left hand corner of the Navigation bar. This will take you to all of the available reports. If you are in Marketing and don’t see “Reports” on the navigation bar, contact Therese Torres (ttorres@signetarmorlite.com).
What information can I find on the reports?
You have several different reports to choose from including:
Add to Stock Report – shows current, expected and past inventory receipts.
Back Order Report – lists all outstanding orders by item. Includes any pending receipts and due dates. Used for replenishment planning and controlling inventory releases by providing a listing of current items which cannot be fulfilled due to insufficient inventory or other reason (frozen stock, obsolescing, etc.).
Inventory Status and Usage Report (ISUR) - a listing of all the customer's items. The report is a quick view of status fields such as current on-hand quantities. The information is current as of the last warehouse update. The report is useful when doing analysis on items, monitoring activity by item, preparing for reordering, or determining obsolescence.
Distribution Report – list of all the details around specific chosen parameters by the user from who places the item, what is the item, the description, quantity as well as when and where it shipped.
Low Notice Report - alert that an item has gone below a certain (pre-determined) inventory level. The first alert appears at the First Low inventory level and the second alert at the Second Low level. The items remain on this report until the inventory on-hand is above the first low (reorder point). The report is used to aid in the replenishing process.
Tracking Number Report - report shows UPS tracking number information for auditing purposes.
Trend Usage Report - report shows a rolling 12-month usage by item, based on shipment dates. The average usage field does not include the current month. Months are marked with calendar month and year. The report is used as an at-a-glance activity report to see trends in shipment of certain items and is useful for forecasting. It can also be used to spot check high volume items.
Can I download the reports into Excel?
Yes. All of the reports are easily downloadable. Simply click on “Reports” in the navigation bar and choose which report provides the information you are seeking. You can open each in a pdf format or Excel. Click on which format you prefer [PDF/Excel] to open. There is a description of what each reports provides under the name of each report.
Can I get report training?
Yes, upon request.
Therese Torres
Tracy Pepin
Orders containing items that require approval will not ship until the entire order is approved by Signet Armorlite staff. This may delay the process so plan accordingly.
Allow 7-10 business days for your non-rush order to arrive.
Rush orders must be received before 1pm CST in order to guarantee same day shipping. Check special requirements for rush orders in the FAQs.
With the new system, backorders will now be collected and automatically sent if added to your cart. ETAs of backorder replenishments will be posted or emailed.
Will there be any site training?
Training will be made available as required. Contact Therese Torres at ttorres@signetarmorlite.com.
Will I receive an order confirmation?
Yes, we will send you an email message confirming your order within 24 hours.
How do I check the status of my order?
You can view the status of your order by clicking "My Orders". If you have trouble accessing the site or cannot find your order please contact Customer Service at 214.221.0055 or email us at tpepin@shamrockcompanies.net. We will provide you with the anticipated delivery date, tracking numbers and carrier information. If the order is not found on the system, we will let you know so that you may place the order again.
When will my order ship?
Product is stocked in our Dallas distribution center. All orders for stock product will ship within 24 hours.
Do you ship to International Locations?
No. Currently SA Lit Online is only available for U.S. shipments.
How do you handle backorders?
We will notify you of all backorders and anticipated in-stock dates via email. If product is backordered, we can retain the backorder, substitute product, or cancel the backorder. We will retain the backorder and ship the product when it comes in unless otherwise notified.